Meaning:A summary of the number of Merchant SKUs inbound and outbound, you can customize the warehouse and time to view.

①. Beginning Stock: The amonut of stock available for sale at the beginning of a period of time.

②. Ending Stock: The amount of stock available for sale at the end of a period of time.

Example: If the selected period is from May 1, 2021 to May 31, 2021, the Beginning Stock calculates the amount of stock available for sale in the selected warehouse at 0:00 May 1, 2021. And the Ending Stock calculates  the amount of stock available for sale in the selected warehouse as of 23:59 on May 31, 2021.

③. Stock-In Qty:  The amount of inbound Merchant SKU during a certain period. Stock-In Qty= purchase receiving + transfer receiving + return receiving + manual stock-in

④. Stock-Out Qty: Then amount of outbound Merchant SKU during a certain period. Stock-Out Qty= purchase outbound + transfer outbound + return outbound + manual stock-out

⑤. Outbound Package: The package of order that was successfully moved to To Pickup Orders by clicking Ship button. One order number, one parcel.