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Virtual Human Live Broadcast Enters Vietnam Market

Jayson 19 Dec 2023 08:45

In recent days, hundreds of small businesses in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, have been conducting live sales through TikTok channels with the support of young people and content creators.

TikTok Vietnam representatives said that after five live broadcasts, these small businesses sold 18,200 orders, bringing in a cumulative revenue of VND 4.2 billion.

TikTok Vietnam representative Mr. Nguyen Lam Thanh said that in the future they will continue to replicate and implement in-depth training programs in traditional markets in coordination with Ho Chi Minh City.

TikTok Shop experts will continue to accompany small businesses until everyone is proficient in selling on e-commerce platforms.

It is worth noting that "virtual human" live broadcasts have also begun to appear on Vietnam's TikTok Shop platform, attracting millions of views.

A representative of Aeyes Global, the company that introduced the AI live streaming sales platform, said that after 18 hours of live streaming, virtual humans helped sellers complete more than 900 orders and earn sales of VND 150 million.

Other virtual human live broadcasts have also achieved remarkable results. For example, in the live broadcast session of selling RangFarm products, the virtual human closed nearly 300 orders. Products such as Gutta coffee and wheat food also used this sales technology to obtain a large number of orders during live broadcasts.

Aeyes Global company representative also added: “With this AI live broadcast technology, selling on e-commerce platforms or social networks becomes simple and effective. This helps optimize operating costs, automatically create and optimize content, and sell on multiple 7*24 continuous live broadcast is carried out simultaneously on the platform. At the same time, it helps to create a huge difference from competitors and control risks better than traditional methods."