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China And 23 Countries Fully Exempt Each Other From Visas!

Jayson 01 Feb 2024 09:28

On January 28, China and Thailand signed an agreement on mutual visa exemption for ordinary passport holders. The agreement will officially take effect on March 1. By then, Thailand's phased unilateral visa-free policy for Chinese tourists, which was implemented in September last year, will officially become a long-term arrangement of "two-way travel".

Thailand is also the third country to sign a mutual visa exemption agreement with China this year, following Singapore and Antigua and Barbuda, benefiting ordinary passport holders. As of now, the number of countries that have such comprehensive mutual visa exemption arrangements with China has increased to 23, covering five continents.

Two countries or regions that have concluded a mutual visa exemption agreement can enjoy a visa-free stay in the other country or region for usually 30 days as long as their citizens hold a valid passport or international travel document stipulated in the agreement; however, if the stay exceeds 30 days , or study, live, work, etc. locally, you still need to apply to the other country's visa authority or competent department before entering the country.

The scope of comprehensive mutual visa exemption includes not only diplomatic passports, official passports, ordinary official passports, etc., but also ordinary passports.

With the visa-free arrangement taking effect, people traveling abroad no longer need to go to the embassy or consulate before traveling, they no longer need to prepare all kinds of visa materials, and they no longer need to worry about when to apply for a visa or whether they can catch up with the travel time. Traveling abroad will be more convenient. , trade flows are also smoother.