Blog > Seller Tips > What Are The Traffic Entrances of Lazada And How To Attract Traffic?

What Are The Traffic Entrances of Lazada And How To Attract Traffic?

Jayson 07 Feb 2024 03:40

When a novice seller is learning about a platform, one aspect that needs to be clarified is the traffic entrance and traffic source of the platform in order to be targeted. This article will decipher for you what are Lazada's traffic entrances and how to attract traffic to stores.

Lazada Guided Traffic: refers to the traffic from LAZADA platform channels, including but not limited to: Flash Sales (flash sales), home page (home page), Lazada search (search), Chat (buyer chat tool), Feed, etc.

Customer Initiated Traffic: Customer Initiated Traffic: Refers to the traffic where buyers directly enter products and stores, such as: 'MyAccount' -Wish list, shopping cart, orders, etc.

External traffic: refers to the traffic that goes directly to stores or products from outside the site, such as its own sites, social platforms, videos, live broadcast platforms, etc.

How to divert traffic?

1) Use store products to attract traffic to the entire store

Correct product category selection and reasonable product titles, as well as detailed product key attributes and pricing, are the prerequisites for increasing traffic. Some consumers' shopping habits are to directly search for the products they want, but many consumers are still accustomed to searching for products through categories. The category selection function of all e-commerce platforms is placed in the most prominent position. Therefore, operators need to accurately select product categories for users to choose from.

The product name allows consumers to quickly identify the product. A reasonable product title must contain 5 keywords, product core words, attribute words, selling point words, scene words, and traffic words. A single product word will not attract consumers' attention. We need to supplement product information through product attributes. The attribute information of the product includes specifications, size, color, etc.

2) Attract product traffic at the store level

Lazada traffic sources include the following: various tasks released uniformly on the Lazada platform, excellent store decoration that attracts consumers' attention, and traffic growth brought about by the increase in the number of fans of the store itself.