Blog > Seller Tips > How Should Shopee Sellers Deal with Bad Reviews?

How Should Shopee Sellers Deal with Bad Reviews?

Amy 15 Sep 2023 07:09

Presumably, bad reviews are a headache for many shopee sellers. After all, more good reviews are not as powerful as one bad review. So what should you do when you have a bad review in your shopee store? Below are different solutions for different situations:

①. If your product is a product that has just been put in the store, and there is a bad review after only one order, then the solution is to delete the product directly and re-shelve it. This way you will not have bad reviews after you re-shelf the item.

②. If your product already has a certain sales base, deleting it will reduce the weight and it is not advisable. At this time, you can take the other two ways. The first way is to negotiate with the buyer. You can give him a partial refund or make some compensation, such as sending coupons, so that the buyer to modify the bad reviews or delete the bad reviews.

③. Another way is, if the customer ignores you or refuses to modify the review, then do some supplementary operations for this product, such as placing some orders with the account of relatives or friends to add some good reviews, so that you can top the poor evaluation to go below. Each review has a weighted ranking. After the bad reviews are pushed down, other potential customers will not see the bad reviews of the product at first sight.


④. If you encounter malicious bad reviews, in the case of confirming that there is no problem with their goods and service attitude sellers can appeal to the platform's customer service.

So how do you increase good reviews?


①. Communicate with the buyers in time when they receive the product, you can provide coupons to the buyers, let them give a good review, and guide them to come back here to buy next time. If buyers review you, please reply to the buyer's review in time to express your gratitude.

②. When you ship the product, you can put a thank you note and send it to the buyer together with the product. Please note that the thank you note should sincerely express your gratitude to the buyer and politely ask for a good review (please be careful not to be strong in tone, otherwise it will backfire).

When operating a store, pay more attention to the reviews of the store products, and do a good job of after-sales service. Sellers should deal with the problems encountered by buyers in a timely manner to avoid the appearance of bad reviews. If there is a bad review, it is also necessary to understand the reason clearly the first time and contact the buyer to modify the reviews in time.