Blog > Seller Tips > What Does a Lazada Seller Do in a Day?

What Does a Lazada Seller Do in a Day?

Jayson 27 Sep 2023 12:31

Lazada is one of the largest shopping platforms in Southeast Asia. It was also elected as the most popular e-commerce shopping platform in Southeast Asia in 2019, bringing huge economic benefits.

So in this blog, let's take a look at the work that a Lazada seller will do in a day. See how it's different from yours.

⓵. Understand the trends of platform rules

The first thing is to pay attention to changes in platform rules and policies to avoid violations. Prohibited products must not be sold, nor can second-hand goods or unauthorized goods be sold. Smart people will always eliminate risks from the source

⓶. Check orders and handle user messages

Check whether the order is correct and whether the inventory is sufficient, and make necessary timely adjustments. Then they will deal with the user messages last night and solve their needs. If there are special needs for orders, they must also be specially marked.

⓷. Data analysis

The main purpose is to analyze store sales, traffic, conversion, and other data. For example, what is the net profit of the store? From what channels does traffic mainly come in? Which methods should be optimized based on conversion rate?

At the same time, they also pay attention to the advertising data of the product to see what the exposure, conversion, and cost obtained through advertising are, so that they can better adjust subsequent strategies.

⓸. Product selection and planning

Find out what hot-selling products are on Lazada recently, see which ones have more potential, and set a plan according to the store situation to establish the sales model and main products.

⓹. Product optimization

Carry out optimization on the targeted products based on the data analysis. If the advertising effect is not good, it is also necessary to control advertising costs.

If there are too many bad reviews occurring on the product, maintenance must be carried out. If the title traffic is relatively small, it is needed to change the keywords in time.

⓺. Process orders and ship them promptly

Strictly follow the timeliness of delivery, process orders and deliver goods in a timely manner to avoid delayed delivery.