Blog > Marketing > Lazada Indonesia’s 11.11 Performance: FMCG Category Achieved Great Results

Lazada Indonesia’s 11.11 Performance: FMCG Category Achieved Great Results

Jayson 21 Nov 2023 02:27EN

Recently, Lazada Indonesia announced its results for the "11.11" promotion. The fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) category including home furnishings, beauty and personal care beauty, etc., achieved outstanding results at this event.

Lia Kurtz, Category Director of Fast Moving Consumer Goods at Lazada Indonesia LazMall, said that sales in the FMCG category have been growing since the outbreak of the epidemic, and Indonesian local brands are particularly popular during this year's 11.11 promotion.

Reports show that on the first day of Lazada's 11.11 sales, sales of many beauty brands surged. For example, on that day, the sales of "Somethinc" exceeded the total sales in the previous five days of the 9.9 promotion.

During the event, Indonesian consumers' interest in sunscreen was also very high, and sales of Azarine, Facetology, and Emina brands all increased. Among them, the Facetology brand's sales on the first day of 11.11 were twice the total sales of the 9.9 big promotion.

Men's skincare products are also favored by Indonesians and have become one of the most popular categories on the LazBeauty channel. A variety of men's skincare products from the Kahf brand, including facial cleansers and scrubs, sunscreens, and perfumes, are best-sellers on Lazada.

In addition, during Lazada's 11.11 promotion, many home furnishing brands also achieved outstanding results. Among them, WINGS Group's sales increased by 30%, and DAIA's sales increased by nearly 100%. In addition, consumers are also very interested in products from brands such as Mama Lemon, Rapika, Sosoft, and Supersol.

The sales growth of the FMCG category is also benefit from Lazada's free shipping mechanism. During the event, Lazada launched free shipping services for users and there is no minimum purchase amount limit.